Welcome back!
If you’ve read this far, you’re well on your way to obtaining your fitness goals.
Here comes the hard part, the training. You will need exercise in order to achieve your fitness potential as well as to ensure a long healthy life.
There are a few things you must consider when starting… Your overall health (previous injuries etc..) your current fitness level and how much time you can commit. These will all impact the type and style of training you undertake.
Create a checklist and include frequency (times per week you can train) as well as duration (how much time per session).
A personal reccomedation is to start slow and build up. Everybody wants to be fit yesterday, but you won’t do it inside a week.
Now you will need a location. There are some great gyms out there but if you’re uncomfortable or can’t afford them, you can also buy some excellent workout dvd’s that you can use at home.
Once you have figured all these variables out, we can start designing your program.
Check back soon for the 4th part of this fitness blog series.
– Yours in health,
Karl Viger